Call for Submissions

Dawg Call 8.5x11Dubuque Area Writers Guild
2014 Gallery

In keeping with longstanding Dubuque tradition, the Dubuque Area Writers Guild will be publishing its annual anthology this May in conjunction with DubuqueFest!

The Dubuque Area Writers Guild is currently seeking submissions for the 36th edition of its annual Gallery book project. This yearʼs publication will be an open genre anthology showcasing art and writing of Dubuquers and those with ties to the Dubuque area, and will be open to works of any theme or subject.

Writers of all ages may submit fiction, non- fiction, poetry and memoir pieces. Prose entries should not exceed 1200 words. Poems should not exceed 30 lines. The journal also invites submissions of black and white artwork (drawings, photography, digital art, etc.). Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with name, address, e-mail and telephone number appearing on each submitted page. Writers should also include a short biography along with their submission (50 words max). Electronic submissions should be sent to as attached .jpg or word files. Materials may also be mailed to Dubuque Area Writers Guild, c/o Heidi Zull, 1631 Main St. Apt. 1, Dubuque, IA 52001. Writers selected for publication may be invited to read at the launch reception held during DubuqueFest May 16th, 2014 and the public is invited to attend.

The deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2014.

Writers selected for publication may be invited to read at a reception to celebrate the launch of the anthology, which will be held during DubuqueFest. The public is invited to attend the reception/reading and encouraged to purchase copies of The Gallery.

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